Our Workflow

01. Requirement Understanding

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod omnis voluptas assumenda.

02. Planning & Time Management

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod omnis voluptas assumenda.

03. Start Design and Coding

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod omnis voluptas assumenda.

04. Test and Deliver within deadline

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod omnis voluptas assumenda.


Wax and skin treatments
We offer treatments in 3 areas
We specialize in waxing treatments for women. Waxing and especially intimate waxing is a matter of trust, where we guarantee you a first-class service. We take great care to use the best technique that ensures a gentle and quick treatment. We use Lycon wax to achieve the best results with the least discomfort.


Prices of treatments
Body – Treatments with wax
Armpits210 kr.
Entire arms + shoulder + hands470 kr.
Half Arms + hands400 kr.
Buttocks350 kr.
Buttocks + between buttocks410 kr.
Between buttocks300 kr.
Between buttocks (in combination with other treatments)200 kr.
Whole legs540 kr.
Thighs420 kr.
Lower Leg400 kr.
Back thighs300 kr.
Inner thighs300 kr.
Loin370 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian with combinations
Hollywood/Brazilian (includes between buttocks)510 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + armpits670 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + whole legs860 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + whole legs + armpits1030 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + lower legs750 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + lower legs + armpits930 kr.
Hollywood/Brazilian + thighs780 kr.
Tanga with combinations
Tanga410 kr.
Tanga + between buttocks490 kr.
Tanga + buttocks800 kr.
Tanga + armpits560 kr.
Tanga + whole legs750 kr.
Tanga + whole legs + armpits900 kr.
Tanga + lower leg600 kr.
Tanga + thighs620 kr.
Bikini with combinations
Bikini390 kr.
Bikini + buttocks480 kr.
Bikini + buttocks790 kr.
Bikini + armpits530 kr.
Bikini + whole legs720 kr.
Bikini + whole legs + armpits860 kr.
Bikini + lower leg550 kr.
Bikini + thigh560 kr.

A 10% discount is given on wax treatments that are repeated within 5 weeks. The discount does not include wax treatments on the face, and the correction and dyeing of lashes and brows.

Cancellation Policy (modification of booked times and cancellation)

You can change the time of your booking on this page (via 'Online reservation') or you can call us at 45 42 34 34, then we'll do it.
We want to offer our customers flexibility and as many times as possible. Therefore, cancellation or modification must take place at least 24 hours before the agreed time. In the event of a no-show without a cancellation, the full amount of the treatement must be paid.
IMPORTANT: Your appointment cannot be cancelled by email or SMS. Please call 45 42 34 34 – if I'm busy with a treatment, I'll call you back.
We look forward to seeing you 🙂


Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Click the question to see the answer.

About Wax Treatments
What is Hollywood/Brazilian wax?
What is Tanga waxing?
What is Bikini wax?
Why Wax?
How long does it take for hair growth to stop?
How much does waxing hurt?
Why is shaving not the optimal depilation method?
Why should I choose wax treatments rather than shaving?
About other treatments
How long does dyeing of your lashes and brows last?
Can I dye the lashes if I have mascara on the lashes?
How do I prepare for waxing?
Is there anything I need to know before I get wax treatement for the first time?
Should I cut the hair if it is too long?
How important is it that I get on time for my treatment?
Can I have intimate wax treatement when I have my period?
Can I get wax treatments if I'm pregnant?
Should I take a bath before treatment?
What should I do after waxing?
How long time will my skin be red after waxing?
What should I avoid after waxing?
How long should pass between wax treatments?

There are no stupid questions, so if you have one – just come with it, it's free 😉

About Us

Things to know about us
"We specialize in waxing as well as dyeing and correction of lashes and brows. Waxing and especially intimate wax is a matter of trust where we guarantee you a first-class service. We focus very much on using the best techniques that ensure a gentle and fast treatment. With us you can always expect good mood and a positive attitude whether you are coming for the first time or for 1000 time 😉
We use Lycon wax to achieve the best result with the fewest problems. Hygiene in the clinic is a matter of course.
If this is the first time, call or come by and have a chat if you have any questions. If you are waxing regularly you have probably tried the service and the handling skills of the therapist vary a lot. With us we guarantee first-class service and results every time.", Viktoria.





We've told you about ourselves so send us a message :-)


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PS: Appointments cannot be cancelled or changed via email or SMS. Use the booking system or call 4542 3434.


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